Lomov - Jazzant [raam002]
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lomov from hamburg (.de) made a breathtaking and precise definition of where the ambient section of realaudio.ch leads to. the moment of rest and emptiness as a source for all movement, evolving into scapish soundstructures: jazz with the digital media seen in context to arts.
born in hannover, he studied history of arts, philosophy, archeology and sinology. after various exhibitions in fine arts from 1990-1999, he focussed his work on producing electronic music in the year 2000.
with this album lomov explores the border between sounds that can be recognized as music, and those which are beyond - breaking the limits of our habits and making them hearable.
beautiful ambient of an artist with a wide knowledge and horizon, in best tradition of tetsu inoue's silent works.
born in hannover, he studied history of arts, philosophy, archeology and sinology. after various exhibitions in fine arts from 1990-1999, he focussed his work on producing electronic music in the year 2000.
with this album lomov explores the border between sounds that can be recognized as music, and those which are beyond - breaking the limits of our habits and making them hearable.
beautiful ambient of an artist with a wide knowledge and horizon, in best tradition of tetsu inoue's silent works.
Related Music question-dark
Versions - Different performances of the song by the same artist
Compilations - Other albums which feature this performance of the song
Covers - Performances of a song with the same name by different artists
Song Title | Versions | Compilations | Covers |
Solveig | |||
Norjaz | |||
Murdoc | |||
Oulo | |||
Randomate | |||
Ripples | |||
Goomat | |||
Lull |
- Addeddate
- 2004-04-12 03:12:52
- Boxid
- OL100020309
- Identifier
- raam002
- Numeric_id
- 4391
- Run time
- 00:47:02
- Type
- sound
stephen spera
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 4, 2007
Subject: no surprise, big surprise
Subject: no surprise, big surprise
lomov's music works on you.
the first collection i downloaded was holzwege. as i own nearly
everything recorded (it feels that way, at least...) i have to use
a shuffle mode on various listening devices to keep my 'interest'
up- the juxtapositions are a great side benefit-moving around
manhattan, from client to client to errand etc, i frequently would
be forced to yank my ipod from my suitcoat or wherever to see
what that particular piece was that was making me so happy.
invariably, lomov's name would be on the screen. the same happened as i got hold of more and more of his material.
my ipod is large, but totally full. so lets just put it this way- ive
been bumping lots of well-known artists to fit in lomov- who
deserves a far far greater audience, and im sure will have one.
stephen spera, manhattan, new york, usa
en deutsch-
Musik der lomovs arbeitet auf dir. die erste Ansammlung, die ich downloadete, war holzwege. als i fast besitzen alles notiert (es glaubt so, mindestensâ¦) ich muà verwenden ein Schlurfenmodus auf den verschiedenen hörenden Vorrichtungen, zum meines âInteressesâ zu halten herauf die Nebeneinanderstellungen sind eine groÃe Seite, die herum Nutzen-verschiebt Manhattan, von Klienten zu Klienten zum Botengang usw., wurde ich häufig gezwungen sein, um mein ipod von meinem suitcoat heftig zu ziehen oder gleichgültig wo zu sehen was dieses bestimmte Stück war, das mich so glücklich bildete. unveränderlich würden der Namens lomovs auf dem Schirm sein. die selben geschahen, während ich immer mehr seines Materials erreichte. mein ipod ist, aber total voll groÃ. läÃt so setzen es gerade dieses Weise ive , Lose weithin bekannte Künstler stoÃend, um in lomov- zu passen das verdient ein weit weit grösseres Publikum, und im haben sicherer Wille ein. spera, Manhattan, New York, USA stephen http://www.stephenspera.com
the first collection i downloaded was holzwege. as i own nearly
everything recorded (it feels that way, at least...) i have to use
a shuffle mode on various listening devices to keep my 'interest'
up- the juxtapositions are a great side benefit-moving around
manhattan, from client to client to errand etc, i frequently would
be forced to yank my ipod from my suitcoat or wherever to see
what that particular piece was that was making me so happy.
invariably, lomov's name would be on the screen. the same happened as i got hold of more and more of his material.
my ipod is large, but totally full. so lets just put it this way- ive
been bumping lots of well-known artists to fit in lomov- who
deserves a far far greater audience, and im sure will have one.
stephen spera, manhattan, new york, usa
en deutsch-
Musik der lomovs arbeitet auf dir. die erste Ansammlung, die ich downloadete, war holzwege. als i fast besitzen alles notiert (es glaubt so, mindestensâ¦) ich muà verwenden ein Schlurfenmodus auf den verschiedenen hörenden Vorrichtungen, zum meines âInteressesâ zu halten herauf die Nebeneinanderstellungen sind eine groÃe Seite, die herum Nutzen-verschiebt Manhattan, von Klienten zu Klienten zum Botengang usw., wurde ich häufig gezwungen sein, um mein ipod von meinem suitcoat heftig zu ziehen oder gleichgültig wo zu sehen was dieses bestimmte Stück war, das mich so glücklich bildete. unveränderlich würden der Namens lomovs auf dem Schirm sein. die selben geschahen, während ich immer mehr seines Materials erreichte. mein ipod ist, aber total voll groÃ. läÃt so setzen es gerade dieses Weise ive , Lose weithin bekannte Künstler stoÃend, um in lomov- zu passen das verdient ein weit weit grösseres Publikum, und im haben sicherer Wille ein. spera, Manhattan, New York, USA stephen http://www.stephenspera.com
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 6, 2005 (edited)
Subject: Schöne Musik und ein empfehlenswerter Download.
Subject: Schöne Musik und ein empfehlenswerter Download.
Minimalistische Klänge, sanftes Knacken und "Bleepen" mit sehr langsamen und friedlichen Ryhthmen erzeugen eine beruhigende Atmosphäre zum Entspannen oder für dezente Hintergrundbeschallung. Schöne Musik und ein empfehlenswerter Download.
There are 2 reviews for this item. .
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